What's this site all about?
So clearly this website is a work in progress, and it might always be. However, I intend to continue developing it. I hope that it will be like a documentation for my life. A public journal if you will. I will try to keep it very simple, and mostly static pages only.
That being said, I have a few ideas for things that the site will have:
A blog (or multiple blogs)
I would like to share some of my thoughts. However, I think having multiple blogs is an interesting idea. Instead of having everything in one single blog, having multiple blogs will make it easier to separate contents by theme, or topic. Something similar to having multiple youtube channels. For example 1 blog for well thought out ideas, while having another one for any random ideas I might have.
I don't know how I will this technically however. This site does not run on wordpress, and does not rely on any fancy platform. I don't want to add a fancy rich text editor while I don't want to write raw HTML as well. Markdown is nice as I want to be able to write content and publish them fast. I think a will convert markdown to html. I will let you know how it goes :)
A place for my side projects ideas
In my personal notes, I have always kept a list of side projects that I would like to do one day! But for most of them, this day will never come. So instead, it would better to publish them publicly. Most of them will be bad, but some might be interesting so some people. And it is better that I see someone implement them instead of them collecting dust in my personal notes.
Things I've done
There are many things that I am proud of. This site is a good place to share theses things. Hopefully it will attract like-minded people and help me connect with them.